International Go-to-market

Connecting UX Design and Localization

Ep #26 – July 6, 2021 – Adriana Grande, UX Localization Specialist at Roku shares her best tips about UX design and localization crossover.

Transforming International Go-to-Market

Ep#25 – June 29, 2021 – Anna Schlegel, VP at Procore, shares how she transformed the process of going after international markets at several companies over her career.

BOLD Localization: When User’s Personal Stakes Are High

Ep #23 – June 15, 2021 – How do you bring not just language but culture to a product? Leah Mori, Head of Localization – Product at BOLD explores how to bring cultural nuance to a very personal user experience.

Cross-cultural Creativity

Ep #21 – June1, 2021 – What to do when your creative product requires localization. Rachel Carruthers, Head of Internationalisation & Localisation at Canva shares her insights.

How Mozilla Manages 212 Languages for Global Accessibility

Ep #18 – May 11, 2021 – Jeff Beatty, Senior Head of Localization at Mozilla talks about global accessibility and how the team manages to localize into 212 languages.

Tracking Global Product Success at Oura

Ep #12, March 23, 2021 – Oura’s Localization Program Manager, Tarja Karjalainen, explores user experience and how they track global product success.

Go-to-Market Strategy at Pinterest

Ep #4 – Feb 01, 2021 – Francesca Di Marco, International Ops at Pinterest shares her international go-to-market strategy.

Product User-Fit for Adoption in New Markets

Ep #3 – Feb 1, 2021 – Talia Baruch, Global Growth Product Strategist, discusses global product adoption in new markets.

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